Selenium Course Overview
Module 1: Selenium Components & Object Identification
Automation Testing Overview &Process
What is automation testing
Why Testing tools?
Difference between manual & Automation Testing
Advantages of Automation Testing
When to start Automation Testing
Tool Evaluation or POC
Types of Automation tools
Licensed Tools
Open Source Tools
Test Automation Fundamentals
Automated Testing
Benefits of Automation Testing
Limitations of Automation Testing
Automation Testing Tools
Test Automation Tool Evaluation
Introduction to Selenium
Difference between Selenium and QTP
Selenium Components
Selenium IDE
Selenium RC
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium GRID
Object Identification/Locators
Introduction to element locators
Types of Element Locators
Writing Xpath Manually
Types of Xpath
findElement & FindElements
Element locators on different browsers
Module 2: Core Java
Core Java Fundamentals
About Eclipse
Installation of Java
Installation of Eclipse IDE
Creating Project in eclipse
Writing & Executing programs in Eclipse IDe
Eclipse and Selenium together
Debugging using Eclipse
Language Fundamentals
History & Features of java
Introduction to Java Programming
Keywords & Class and Object
Data Types& Variables
Arrays, Construction and Initialization
Conditional Statements
if else condition
nested if else condition
Switch case statement
Examples for all the if conditions
Loop Statement
While Loop
For loop
Foreach loop
Examples for loops
Examples for keywords
What is Array
Advantages of Array in Java
Working with Array and ForEach loop
Examples for Array
Packages , Classes and Objects
What are Packages
Creating packages , Class & Objects
Types of Methods
Writing user defined methods
What is Inheritance
Advantage of inheritance
Types of Inheritance
Examples for inheritance
What is polymorphism
Method OverLoad
Method OverRide
Define Abstraction Class
Define Abstract Methods
Steps to define Abstraction
Implementing interface
Difference between Abstraction & Interface
Implements vs extends
Module 3: WebDriver with Project Testing
Basic Selenium / Web Driver
Introduction to selenium
Advantages of web driver
Web Driver v/s RC
Architecture of Web Driver and RC
Configure Selenium with Eclipse IDE(Adding Selenium jar files)
Working with drivers Firefox, Chrome &IE, etc…
Creating the generic scripts in Web Driver
Navigate methods
Advanced Stuff
Handling alerts
Alert interface methods
Handling Frames/Iframes
Locating Frames
Switching between Frames
Using window handler methods
Switching between windows
Dropdown ,WebTablepage back commands
Handling dropdown
Select class methods
Select Single value & multiple values
Reading data from webtable
Page back commands
Introduction of wait Methods
Use of Wait methods in selenium
Types of Wait Methods
Difference between Thread.sleep,ImplicitWati&ExplicitWait
Different Expected Conditions in Webdriver
Capturing screenshots
How to take data from DB
Handling Ajax events
Capturing screenshot on failure
Handling Auto Suggestions
Different Selenium Exceptions
File upload and download
Robot Class, Mouse Events
Robot class in Web driver
Simulating Keyboard Events
Windows popup using Robot class
Action class
Mouse Over Actions
Drag & Drop Actions
JavaScript Executer in Web driver
What is JavaScript Executor?
What is JavaScript Executor in Selenium?
When we have to use JavaScript Executer
Working with Excel
Configure Apache POI with Eclipse
Workbook,Sheet,Row,Cell ,methods
HSSFWorkbook .HSSFSheet,HSSFRow ,HSSFCell methods
How to Read data from Excel file(XLS or XLSX)
How to Write data to excel file
Module 4: Framework Design & Implementation from Scratch
Automation Framework Implementation
Modular Framework
TestNG Framework
Hybrid Framework
POM Framework
TestNG and Junit in Selenium
Introduction to TestNG
Advantages of TestNG over Junit
TestNG Features
Configure TestNG with Eclipse
Writing Selenium testing script from scratch
Running the Test
Checking the reports generated by TestNG
Annotations used in TestNG
Prioritizing Tests
TestNG with Excel data
Create Testng.xml
Creating and running Test suites using TestNG
Skipping Tests
Setting priority of execution for test cases
Executing group of regression/sanity/smoke test cases using TestNG
Advanced TestNG concepts
Printing the log statements in TestNG report
TestNG Results output folder walkthrough
Running Parallel & Distributed tests
Module 5: Integration of Third party Tools in Framework
Log4j Introduction
Usage of Logger
Add Log4j Jars
Integrate Log4j in Selenium
How to Integrate Log4j in Framework
Jenkins Integration
Why Jenkins
Installation of Jenkins
Steps to integrate Jenkins
Configure Email notification in Jenkins
Scheduling Jenkins Jobs
Integration with Selenium Scripts and Running Scripts
Creating Batch file
Executing scripts using batchfile
Git Hub Integration
What is Git Hub
How to create Git Hub Account
Setup of GitHub in Eclipse
What is Commit and push
Steps to perform Push and Commit
Integrating with Framework
What is Maven
Using the pom.xml file
Setting up the Maven project in eclipse editor
Building and running the selenium Maven project
Adding Dependencies to pom.xml
Updating the selenium project dependencies by using Maven
Cucumber Tool with Web Driver
Cucumber tool Overview
Difference between Cucumber & other automation tools
Preparing Features File having test scenarios
Writing Runner Class
Given, When, Then, And, But annotations and usage in features class
Cucumber HTML Reports
Usage of cucumber tool with Web driver
Behavioral Driven development (BDD)
Cucumber Project Setup
Feature file
Gherkin language
Working with simple scenario
Working with Datatable
Design Pattern
Page Object Model
Page Factory
Sikuli/Auto it Tool for handling windows
Sikuli Overview
Why Sikuli?
Configure Sikuli with Selenium
Sikuli scripts in Selenium Web Driver
Selenium Grid
Selenium Grid Overview
Hub & Node details
Desired Capabilities & Remote WebDriver
Configure Hub & Node
Executing scripts using Grid
Module 6: Fundamentals on RESTFULL service in Java
Introduction to Web Services
Protocol used in web services
Components of web services
RESTfulapi response code
Commonly used REST api HTTP methods
Sample program to run API